Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fiesantekraal Créche MIP

1 comment:

  1. My personal opinion:
    I have a personal feeling about helping others in every way that I possibly can and that had a huge influence on why I chose this site. This is the kind of work I would love to do someday. I would love to design houses and educational institutions for the under –
    I spend some time with the children from Fisantekraal and experienced that they are really happy children and enjoy being with each other.
    Children have this happy vibe around them, that we seem to loose when we get older. We seem to get more annoyed and frustrated with one another than just enjoying the company of our nearest.
    By designing this crèche, I wanted to create a feeling of happiness and playfulness. connecting the people and children from Fisantekraal. Giving them a opportunity to education in a very special building.
